Quick way to buy

bitcoin ether crypto

Store your crypto safely

Open an account
EU Regulation
A Regulation is a legal act of the European Union
Buy with credit card
We accept any credit or debit card VISA or MasterCard
High spending limits
With our limits, you can buy the coins you want without holding back.
Fast-track verification
Upload your documents, and we will review them within the hour
Secure Wallet
We use last step technologies and store funds in cold wallets
Get your favorite coins
Buy bitcoin, ethereum, ripple and other popular cryptocurrencies
Instant delivery
Place your order, confirm your order, get your order. No deposits required.
24/7 Support
Our qualified support team stands by to help out with anything - any time

How does it work?


Your data is encrypted and we don't keep any of your coins or money

Finalize account

Submit your personal details. The more you add, the more you can buy

Buy cryptocurrency

Choose either bitcoin or ethereum and amount you want to buy